What is the difference between a regular surrogacy agency and concierge? Ask an expert, Ask an expert!Janelle DoddMarch 21, 2024waiting is hard, surrogacy matching list, surrogacy matching time, surrogacy 101, surrogacy qualifications, surrogate screening, gestational surrogacy, gestational surrogate, how long does surrogacy take, intended parents, surrogacy agency, surrogacy matching program, surrogacy safety, ethical surrogacy, concierge
Why is the waitlist for IPs so long? Ask an expertJennifer WhiteFebruary 20, 2024waiting is hard, surrogacy matching list, surrogacy matching time, surrogacy 101, surrogacy qualifications, surrogate screening, gestational surrogacy, gestational surrogate, how long does surrogacy take, intended parents, surrogacy agency, surrogacy matching program, surrogacy safety, ethical surrogacy