Can I share our surrogacy journey on social media? Ask an expert!Guest UserJanuary 19, 2021surrogacy, surrogate, pregnancy, exercise, workout, run, jump, lift weights, gym, weight, healthy, baby, birth
The Legal Flaws Of The Sperm Kings Above The LawGuest UserJanuary 13, 2021Surrogacy, sperm, sperm bank, legal, court, frozen sperm, sperm kings, lawyer, judge, attorney
Can I work out while acting as a surrogate? Ask an expertGuest UserJanuary 12, 2021surrogacy, surrogate, pregnancy, exercise, workout, run, jump, lift weights, gym, weight, healthy, baby, birth
Why Do I Need a Lawyer for Surrogacy? Industry NewsGuest UserJanuary 12, 2021Surrogacy, surrogate, lawyer, contract, intended parents, representation, court, legal, judge, parentage, PBO, pre birth order, adoption
IVF Medication Tips and Tricks from Conceptions Reproductive Associates of Colorado Intended Parents, SurrogatesGuest UserJanuary 7, 2021IVF, medication, tips, tricks, injections, shots, medicine, conception, baby, family, pregnancy, grow
How do I explain to my children that I'm doing surrogacy? Ask an expertGuest UserJanuary 7, 2021surrogacy, kids, children, baby, pregnancy, books, teach, learn, simple, explain, surrogate, family, grow, help
She Signed A Contract Not To Have Sex, Then She Got Pregnant Above The LawGuest UserJanuary 6, 2021Surrogacy, sex, pregnant, contract, court, judge, baby, family, birth, agreement, abstinence
How Long Does the Surrogacy Process Take? LGBTQGuest UserJanuary 5, 2021Surrogacy, process, surrogate, surrogacy process, lengthy, length, timeline, time, months, years, days, pregnancy, birth, parent, intended parent, parenting, baby
Where does the initial meeting between the surrogate and intended parents take place? Ask an expertGuest UserJanuary 5, 2021surrogacy, agency, case manager, case, intake coordinator, coordinator, intake, help, vacation, sick
Who helps me if my case manager goes on vacation or is sick? Ask an expert!Guest UserDecember 31, 2020surrogacy, agency, case manager, case, intake coordinator, coordinator, intake, help, vacation, sick
Bringing a Baby into the World During a Pandemic Via Surrogacy Intended ParentsGuest UserDecember 29, 2020Surrogacy, surrogate, IVF, reproductive rights, reproductive technology, IVG, fertility, agency, law, court, fertility clinic
Am I (as the surrogate) related to the child? Do I have parental rights? Ask an expertGuest UserDecember 29, 2020Surrogacy, biological, mother, mom, related, relation, parent, parental rights, baby, family, pregnancy, birth
How do I know I won't be micro-managed by the Intended Parent? Ask an expert!Guest UserDecember 24, 2020Surrogacy, intended parents, micromanaged, expert, question, journey, surrogate, baby, pregnancy, birth, doctor, labor, delivery
Who chooses the attorney to review the contract? Ask an expertGuest UserDecember 22, 2020Surrogacy, contract, breach, lawyer, attorney, law, court, judge, surrogate, intended parents, sign, process, journey, birth, baby, family, grow, pregnancy
Why Women Consider Becoming Surrogates SurrogatesGuest UserDecember 22, 2020Surrogacy, surrogate, IVF, reproductive rights, reproductive technology, IVG, fertility, agency, law, court, fertility clinic
Notorious Sperm Bank Case Settles. Can We Buy Holiday-Sale DNA Kits For Our Donor-Conceived Loved Ones Now? Above The LawGuest UserDecember 18, 2020Surrogacy, surrogate, sperm, sperm bank, bank, settle, case, court, DNA, ancestry, desist, lawyer, attorney, judge
What happens if my surrogate is in breach of contract? Ask an expertGuest UserDecember 17, 2020Surrogacy, contract, breach, lawyer, attorney, law, court, judge, surrogate, intended parents, sign, process, journey, birth, baby, family, grow, pregnancy
Why do my partner and I need a psychological evaluation to be a surrogate? Ask an expert!Guest UserDecember 15, 2020Surrogacy, birth, baby, surrogate, agency, graphic design, staff, employee, team, Colorado, Texas, Montana, New England, pacific cascade, southwest
6 Tips for a Smooth Surrogacy Journey Dear Honest SurrogateGuest UserDecember 15, 2020Surrogacy, surrogate, IVF, reproductive rights, reproductive technology, IVG, fertility, agency, law, court, fertility clinic
Death (Of Donor Anonymity) Becomes Her Above The LawGuest UserDecember 9, 2020Surrogacy, sperm donor, donor, sperm, egg, death, anonymous, jurisdiction, abroad, international, baby, birth, family, grow, pregnancy