Surrogacy Changed my Life, Here's my Story

I worked in a fertility center for 10 years before deciding to do a surrogacy journey of my own. Naturally, I thought I knew exactly what I was signing up for. There is no doubt that I did have a lot of information at my disposal. Yes, I definitely knew what the embryo transfer process had in store. I knew all about the screening process, and I knew all about the medications, and I definitely knew how big of a responsibility I was taking on. What I didn’t know, was how making this decision would change the course of my life for the better. 

 I always tell people that I feel like I got just as much out of the surrogacy as the intended parents did. Yes, they got a baby…a family, and that is huge. However, I got to add *them* to my family. And because of my “new” extended family, I have since traveled to France and made many special memories with my intended fathers and surro babes. I know there are many more trips in my future. 

 I was able to show my children how one human can help another in a monumental way…even if they started out as strangers. They have seen how helping others is fulfilling and good for the soul. There is no doubt that my surrogacy journeys have made me a more confident woman. Deep down I had always felt the need to prove my worth in this world, (I’m sure there is a huge box of childhood issues to unpack there) but that feeling, or burden, is not something that I carry with me anymore. Recently, I even realized that no longer having that burden has had a very positive impact on my relationship with my husband as well. 

 Lastly, I can’t forget to mention how doing my own surrogacy ignited a passion in me to work more closely with intended parents and surrogates. It is now my specialty and I feel lucky every single day I get to do a job that I love.

Are you ready to become a surrogate?