

Gentle Sleep Coach

Hearts & Dreams

Call 406-595-6972

Who do you work with?

“Tired parents who are looking for gentle, holistic approaches to resolving sleepless nights for their little ones.”

What do you do for them?

“I give families strategies, tools, education, and support to resolved sleepless nights and days.”

Why do you do what you do, particularly as it relates to surrogacy/growing families?

“Helping all families become rested is my passion. Helping families enjoy life through rested eyes makes all the difference and makes those special moments more memorable.”

What is your favorite part of your job?

“Empowering families with tools and education and helping them trust their intuition is my favorite part of my job.”

What is your favorite memory or story from working at your job?

“When I first talk with parents, they are often desperate and feel helpless about their ability to help their child sleep, but as we work together, I have the privilege of witnessing these same parents become confident and self-sufficient in their ability to attain and maintain a rested child and family.”

How do people get in touch with you/start working with you?

“People can connect with me through my website:, my email address: or text me at 406-595-6972.”

For more information, visit the website or email